Grade 6-8 Mathematics Curriculum at a Glance

Math 6

  • The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend on the elementary grades Common Core State Mathematics Standards. This course will deepen and expand on students’ understanding of:

    • Ratios and rates
    • Operations with fractions
    • Applying properties to the system of rational numbers
    • Developing and strengthening statistical thinking
    • Writing, interpreting, evaluating and solving expressions and equations.

    A main focus of this course is on increasing mathematical fluency and proficiency in rational number operations. The CCSS Mathematical Practice Standards are applied throughout this course and, together with the CCSS Math 6 content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.

Math 7

  • The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend on the Math 6 Common Core State Mathematics Standards. This course will deepen and expand on students’ understanding of:

    • Proportional relationships
    • Operations with rational numbers
    • Analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures
    • Analyzing data sets that can be used to make inferences for an entire population.

    A main focus of this course is on increasing mathematical fluency and proficiency in evaluating, simplifying and writing expressions and solving linear equations. The CCSS Mathematical Practice Standards are applied throughout this course and, together with the CCSS Math 7 content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.

Math 8

  • The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend on the Math 7 Common Core State Mathematics Standards. This course will deepen and expand on students’ understanding of:

    • Evaluating expressions and solving equations
    • Grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships
    • Analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures.

    The CCSS Mathematical Practice Standards applied throughout this course and, together with the CCSS Math 8 content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. The content in this course is the foundation for Algebra I which will further deepen and extend on students’ understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions.

Algebra 1 ACC

  • The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend on the middle grades Common Core State Mathematics Standards. This course will deepen and extend on 24 students’ understanding of:

    • Linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend
    • Students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions

    The CCSS Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout this course and, together with the CCSS Algebra 1 content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. Students will be required to take the New York State Common Core Algebra 1 Regents in June. Passing the New York State Common Core Algebra 1 Regents Exam satisfies the exam requirement for a New York State Regents diploma.