i-Ready Reading (K-8)

i-Ready Reading
  • i-Ready was brought into the district as a tool to help us better understand and target what our students know and need to learn through the use of diagnostic assessments and learning tools.  The i-Ready platform allows us to gain a district level understanding of the trends, needs, success and gaps across the district, schools, grades, classes and individual students. In grades K-8 we focus on the i-Ready Assessment and i-Ready Learning.    

    The Clever Portal

    Students log-in through the Clever Portal, then log-in with their @msd23.org Google Account

i-Ready Assessment (Diagnostic)

  • Three times throughout the year- students in grades K-8 are assessed through the i-Ready Diagnostic.  The diagnostic allows us to see a complete picture of the students' performance and growth through this adaptive assessment.  Once complete, a report is generated giving insight into the students level of mastery of grade level standards.  A student is given an overall scale score, percentile and grade level mastery as well as a breakdown of how they performed on the following literacy components:  phonemic awareness, phonics, high frequency words, vocabulary, comprehension literature and comprehension non fiction.