Section 504

Section 504 Eligibility

  • Massapequa Union Free School District prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of disability in all aspects of its programs and services. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Massapequa School District provides appropriate accommodations for students who have a mental or physical disability that results in a substantial limitation of a major life activity. Parents who suspect their child may be eligible for accommodations under Section 504 may make a referral to the child's building principal who shall serve as the 504 chairperson or to the 504 Compliance Officer as listed below.

    Section 504 Chairpeople:

    Birch Lane Elementary School 
    Mr. Stephen Aspetti, Principal 
    (516) 308-5100

    East Lake Elementary School
    Mr. Thomas A. McKillop III, Principal
    (516) 308-5200

    Fairfield Elementary School
    Dr. Kristi Gerhard, Principal
    (516) 308-5300

    Lockhart Elementary School
    Mr. Michael DeLuca, Principal
    (516) 308-5400

    McKenna Elementary School
    Dr. Amanda Lowry, Principal
    (516) 308-5500

    Unqua Elementary School
    Ms. Deanna Catapano, Principal
    (516) 308-5600

    Berner Middle School
    Mr. Jason Esposito
    (516) 308-5700

    Massapequa High School - Ames Campus
    Ms. Tania M. Willman
    (516) 308-5800

    Massapequa High School - Main Campus
    Ms. Barbara Lowell
    (516) 308-5900

     504 Compliance Officers:

    District Office
    Ms. Danielle Helfand
    Executive Assistant for Pupil Personnel Services/
    Section 504 Compliance Officer
    (516) 308-5051

    Dr. Jordan McCaw
    Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services/
    Section 504 Compliance Officer
    (516) 308-5051

Procedural Safeguards

  • More information about parent and student rights under Section 504, and the impartial hearing process, can be found in the 504 Procedural Safeguards and District Policy 5020.3 and Regulation 5020.3-R 

    Individuals with questions about the District’s 504 policies or procedures or who wish to make a complaint of discrimination may also contact the District’s 504 Compliance Officer below.

    Ms. Danielle Helfand
    504 Compliance Officer
    4925 Merrick Road
    Massapequa, NY 11758
    (516) 308-5051

    Dr. Jordan McCaw
    Section 504 Compliance Officer
    (516) 308-5051

504 Complaints/Due Process Hearing

  • An individual who believes that they have been subject to discrimination in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in District programs or services – including parents of students, or eligible students over the age of 18 who disagree with the District’s decision regarding the student’s identification, evaluation, educational placement or the provision of a free appropriate public education under Section 504 - may file a complaint with the District under Policy and Regulation 5020.3. Parents of students, or eligible students over age 18, may also request an impartial hearing to address any matter regarding the student’s identification, evaluation, educational placement or the provision of a free appropriate public education under Section 504, in accordance with Policy and Regulation 5020.3. Such individuals may also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights at the address below.  

    U.S. Department of Education
    Office of Civil Rights

    32 Old Slip, 26th floor
    New York, NY 10005‐2500
    Phone: (646) 428‐3900 / (800)421‐3481
    Fax: (646) 428‐3843
    TDD: (877) 521‐2172