Buildings & Grounds Committee

  • The Board of Education and school district establish committees to regularly review and provide input and feedback in a variety of areas.  Keep in mind that participation and membership in certain committees may be limited to specific members, require expertise in specific areas and/or require appointment by the Board. Please contact the District Clerk at (516) 308-5001 for information pertaining to each committee.

Statement of Purpose

  • Building & Grounds Committee shall:

    • Review expenditures for building and grounds repairs, renovations, maintenance and capital equipment expenditures
    • Consider and recommend special programs and operating concepts for execution on a district-wide basis, as well as contribute to the development of a master plan for each school

Committee Minutes

Committee Members

  • Committee Chairs:

    Mr. Chris Brooks

    Mrs. Danielle Ocuto


    Louis Arena

    Gary Baldinger

    John Coady

    Michael Crudele

    Robert Fackovec

    Christopher Greene

    Brian Kennedy

    Matthew Lukaszewicz

    Anthony Nuzzi

    Michael Romano

    Vincent Versaggi

    Christopher Zammit