FOIL Requests

  • Requests for public access to records* under the Freedom Of Information Legislation (FOIL), may be submitted electronically using the Electronic Request for Public Access to Records form below. Subsequent communication using this method will be via e-mail.

    Alternately, a Request for Public Access to Records Form may be mailed or faxed to the contact information below. Subsequent communication using this method will be via certified mail.

    *For Student Transcript Requests, please use the Massapequa High School Contact Form.

    Records Access Officer
    Massapequa UFSD
    4925 Merrick Road
    Massapequa, NY 11758

    Fax (516) 308-5029

Electronic Request for Public Access to Records Form:

  • This request for records will be fulfilled in compliance with the Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law Art. 6 §§ 84-90). Within five business days of the District’s receipt of your written request, it shall either make such record(s) available to you, deny your request in writing, or furnish you with an acknowledgement of receipt of your request and the approximate date, which shall be reasonable under the circumstances of the request, when your request will be granted or denied. If the District determines to grant your request in whole or in part and if circumstances prevent disclosure within twenty business days from the date of the District’s acknowledgement of receipt of your request, it may in writing state both the reason for its inability to grant your request within twenty business days and a date certain within a reasonable period, depending of the circumstances, when the request shall be granted in whole or in part. Copies of records will be made at a cost of 25 cents per page.

    You have the right to appeal a denial of this application within 30 days of its receipt to the Superintendent of Schools, 4925 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758, who may grant access or continue the denial. In the case the denial is continued, the Superintendent will fully explain his/her reasons in writing within 10 school days of receipt of this appeal. The district will also file each appeal and its determination with the Committee on Open Government, 41 State Street Albany, NY 12231. Anyone dissatisfied with the district’s final decision on a request for access to records may appeal the decision to the Nassau County Supreme Court.