Facilities-Use Request - ML Schedules

  • Steps to using the Massapequa School District Facilities-Use Request System - ML Schedules

    Step 1: Register for a new account - https://ny203.mlschedules.com/Register.aspx. You must upload documentation and agree to the following prior to your facilities-use requests being approved:

    • Upload a copy of certificate of insurance with indemnification and hold harmless agreement, and if applicable - proof of non-profit W-9.
      • All documentation must match the organization name used in the account registration process.
    • Agree to Massapequa School District BOE Policy 1500 Public Use of Facilities, including:
      • Agree that 75% of the group are residents of the Massapequa School District (Please note, the district will confirm this prior to approving registration. In addition, a roster with names and addresses of the sponsors and participants may be requested.)
        • Provide an estimated number of participants/attendees.
        • Provide names of individuals supervising the event.
      • Agree that if a permit is approved, the organization will review evacuation procedures with attendees.
      • Agree that if a permit is approved, the permit will not be assigned, transferred, or sublet.
      • If applicable, provide a purpose for which any proceeds/admission fees will be used.
      • If applicable, file a profit/loss statement detailing revenue and expenses incurred in conjunction with the use of the facilities request. (Please note, the statement may be requested.)

    Step 2: Once you register for a new account, your request and documentation will be reviewed, which may take up to 14-days. Once approved, you will receive an email from the system. Please sign in below and follow the steps to submit facilities-use request(s).

    Once the registration above is reviewed/approved:
    Sign-in to submit request: https://ny203.mlschedules.com/Login.aspx 

    • Please note:
      • You can request spaces from *July 1st through June 30th, starting on May 1st every year.
      • You must submit your space request 14-days prior to the event.
      • You will be notified by the system when your certificate of insurance is about to expire. At that time, please upload an updated copy. If your insurance expires prior to an approved event, your permit is no longer valid.
      • You must agree to BOE Policy 1500 and all sections of this policy prior to submitting requests.
      • Please complete the "Notes (Set Up Directions, Other Instructions, etc.)" section with any specific requests, including tables, chairs, etc..
      • If approved, the approval/permit email may be requested by the district/school/security personnel at the time of the event.
      • The district may cancel an approved space request due to school-related programs.
      • MSD reserves the right to revoke any permit for the use of school facilities, or part thereof, at any time should it be deemed advisable or necessary.
      • In auditorium spaces, organizations and attendees are not allowed any food or drinks.
      • All youth sports organizations must acknowledge and comply with AED legislation - www.msd.k12.ny.us/AED.
      • If applicable, fees for certain locations, A/V equipment, tech equipment, etc. will be automatically calculated during the request process.
      • If applicable, fees for custodial staff and security staff are calculated by MSD, then added to the fees.
        • Upon approval, an invoice will be emailed that must be paid in full prior to the event.

ML Schedules FAQ/Support

    • Q: What are the detailed steps to create/register an account?
    • Q: It is taking longer than 14-days to have my account approved. What is the problem?
      • A: It is most likely you are missing the correct paperwork. The business office emailed you with notes. If you have questions, please call the business office at: 516-308-5020  
    • Q: Once my account is approved, what are the detailed steps to request a space?
    • Q: What if my organization has multiple people that submit requests, for example PTA?
      • A: An account needs to be created/registered for each person submitting requests.
    • Q: What if my approved/registered organization has a new person submitting requests?
      • A: Please visit your profile and update to the new person - including email and a new password.
    • Q: I am no longer able to submit requests. What happened?
      • A: It is most likely your insurance has expired. Please sign-in to your account and upload a new copy of your current insurance.
    • Q: I forgot my password. Who should I contact?
    • Q: I am not receiving emails from ML Schedules. What should I do?
      • A: Check your spam/junk folder. In addition, add info@masterlibrary.com to your safe-senders email list. 
    • Q: Can I see space availability in real-time?
      • A: Yes! When you request a space > date > time, the system will display an "available or "not available"prompt. Please note, even if available - the request may be denied for several reasons, including school-related programs.
    • Q: I need a space and the system is showing not available - OR my space was denied. What should I do?
      • A: We recommend adjusting your location/date and/or time. If you need the location/date, we recommend adjusting the time - to start/end earlier/later. If you are still having an issue with scheduling, please use the contact numbers below. They will help you coordinate!
    • Q: I have a different question about space requests. Who should I contact?
      • A: For building spaces, contact the building general office - phone numbers: Located www.msd.k12.ny.us > Schools > Footer
      • A: For athletic spaces/fields, contact the athletics office - phone number: 516-308-5080
      • A: For general questions, contact the facilities office - phone number: 516-308-5020